Understanding Your DirectShow Filter Graph

Many questions in DirectShow development are caused by lack of developer’s understanding what topology his code effectively built. Intelligent Connect and RenderXxx methods help adding and connecting filters and in the end a developer does not have a faintest idea what the pipeline looks like. DirectShow API provides methods to enumerate filters, pins, connection and…

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DirectShowSpy: Automated Media Sample Traces, Load Trace from File

Some time ago DirectShowSpy received a capability to record media sample traces (in specific points of the pipeline). DirectShowSpy UI visualized the chronology of the streaming which facilitated detection of various problems, especially out of order media samples, lost or late delivered samples, thread racing conditions. A developer can easily integrate his filters with DirectShowSpy…

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Audio playback at non-standard rates in DirectShow

DirectShow streaming and playback in particular offers flexible playback rates for scenarios where playback is requested to take place slower or faster than real time. For a DirectShow developer, the outer interface is pretty straightforward:IMediaPosition::put_Rate takes playback rate and that’s it. Playback rate. Must not be zero. The playback rate is expressed as a ratio of…

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DirectShow Spy: Integration with GraphStudioNext

DirectShow Spy is introducing integration with GraphStudioNext (and GraphEdit too) to let a developer quickly open a filter graph through Running Object table with external inspection tool. Note that you need a revision 301 GraphStudioNext or later, prebuilt versions available for download here: graphstudionext.exe (Win32), graphstudionext64.exe (x64). DirectShow Filter Graph list window offers context menu items and hotkeys to…

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DirectShow Spy: Filter Graph Data and Properties UI

Summary DirectShow Spy receives a set of new powerful updates helping to develop and troubleshoot DirectShow applications: UI combining Markdown formatted filter graph details as well as property pages for all participating filters available interactively via filter graph list available via helper COM class letting DirectShow application integrate incredible troubleshooting capabilities Option to email filter…

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DirectShow Spy: Human Friendly Filter Graph Information and Filter Graph List

A typical task for DirectShow Spy is to get installed onto, make the target application filter graphs available for inspection and… then get inspected with some additional tool. The last step assumes there is an additional application ready to pick the graphs and an interactive user attaches to the graphs for visual inspection and troubleshooting.…

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IAMGraphBuilderCallback and Intelligent Connect tuning

There was a question asked about how IAMGraphBuilderCallback interface is used to prevent from particular filter insertion during Intelligent Connect. First of all, there is sample code at The March Hare‘s website: The IAMGraphBuilderCallback class can be used to remove problematic dshow filters when building a graph with intelligent connect.  This sample does not provide…

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