Category: Replace in Files

Alax.Info Replace in Files, automation objects to perform batch text replace operations, including using regular expressions

HOWTO: Use Replace In Files to automatically convert OUI list into C/C++ header file

IEEE OUI and Company_id Assignments is a list of manufacturers and corresponding codes which are used in MAC addresses and protocol identifiers: The three-octet OUI can be used to generate Universal LAN MAC addresses and Protocol Identifiers per ANSI/IEEE Std 802 for use in Local and Metropolitan Area Network applications. If your firm manufactures or…

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Alax.Info Replace in Files 1.1

Replace in Files is updated to keep up with the time as well as implement a feature that appeared to be convenient. What’s new in this build? Migration to Visual Studio .NET 2005 compiler, which is pretty cool itself since the compiler better optimizes the code, and in addition the binary is self sufficient and…

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Alax.Info Replace in Files Beta

Alax.Info Replace in Files 1.0.0 is available as a beta version. Audience: Developers, especially Visual Studio .NET since VC++.NET regular expression syntax is used. Included: Automation objects Find files using given base directories and path regularexpression pattern Replace in text, memory text or files text Backup changes Samples JScript samples included; when used through automation…

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