DirectShow Filter Graph Spy: Log Filters and Connection Media Types

Having hard time to connect to remote filter graph on Windows 7 machine, I suspected that some of the filters do not like being connected through marshaling and freeze. Or, actually more likely, it is SDK’s proppage.dll which hosts proxy stub pairs behaves itself in a not quite expected way and freezes remote application (Graph…

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DirectShow Filter Graph Spy on Vista

I have been receiving comments that Filter Graph Spy tool does not work with Microsoft Vista operating system. I never had a moment to check until recently, and this time I realized that it really does not work. I am definitely aware of dramatic changes introduced with this operating system, and in particular UAC feature,…

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Hint on how to easily find your filter graph on running object table (ROT)

With a lot of DirectShow Filter Graphs published on Running Object Table, especially those automatically published by Filter Graph Spy utility, it might be a bit tricky to locate your graph of interest in the list. Filter graphs are published with a textual moniker item name of predefined format, which is recognized by GraphEdit or…

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More on DirectShow Filter Graph Spy

Having DirectShow Filter Graph Spy installed in the system, I noticed a new and weird effect that when Media Player Classic plays a list of files and each MP3 file being currently decoded shows decoder’s system tray icon, a switch to a new file leaves an old icon in place and adds a new icon…

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DirectShow Filter Graph Spy – CLSID_FilterGraphNoThread

At the time of original implementation I intentionally left off a variation of Filter Graph Manager that runs on application thread, CLSID_FilterGraphNoThread. MSDN says: CLSID_FilterGraphNoThread creates the Filter Graph Manager on the application’s thread. If you use this CLSID, the thread that calls CoCreateInstance must have a message loop that dispatches messages; otherwise, deadlocks can…

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DirectShow Filter Graph Spy

Inspired by a post on DirectShow Development Forum, it is sometimes useful to find out how certain application is using DirectShow to capture live video and/or audio, or play certain file etc. Filter graph topology, details about media types on the pins, used interfaces and call order. There is quite an easy step for the…

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