Tag: bug

A tricky EVR bug was caught up: input pin may falsely report disconnected state

Crime An application which builds a DirectShow graph unexpectedly started failing with VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED (0x80040209) error code. Scene The problem takes place during DirectShow graph building, yet in stopped state. Specific call which appeared to be giving out the error in first place appears to be EVR input pin’s IPin::ConnectionMediaType, and the problem is also specific…

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A colleague pointed out that code snippet in previous post is misusing ATL’s ATLENSURE_SUCCEEDED macro making it [possibly] evaluate its argument twice in case of failure, that is evaluating into failure HRESULT code. As it is defined like this: #define ATLENSURE_SUCCEEDED(hr) ATLENSURE_THROW(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr) It does things in a straightforward way, for a code line ATLENSURE_SUCCEEDED(pFilterGraph.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph));…

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If your application is looking for network adapters, it may be blind to see

A really long and annoying troubleshooting of a problem finally ended with a bug found in GetAdaptersInfo/GetAdaptersAddresses API. It may unexpectedly fail under the following conditions: 32-bit application 64-bit operating system or /3GB feature enabled on 32-bit operating system hosting process is linked with /LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag or has otherwise set it in binary header over…

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Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ProgID is not available (Windows 7 but probably not only)

It was a sort of ridiculous problem: an attempt to instantiate a Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 object failed with error. Still some applications are still running without problems connecting to Jet databases, how comes? There has been a number of posts on Internet, but none of the top ones appeared to be relevant. The problem is reproduced extremely…

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