Tag: microsoft

Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ProgID is not available (Windows 7 but probably not only)

It was a sort of ridiculous problem: an attempt to instantiate a Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 object failed with error. Still some applications are still running without problems connecting to Jet databases, how comes? There has been a number of posts on Internet, but none of the top ones appeared to be relevant. The problem is reproduced extremely…

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Frame-Pointer Omission /Oy

I just read a post on frame pointer omission (FPO) optimization, also known as /Oy compiler flag. And a comment from Vladimir Scherbina on problems getting the feature actually work. I wondered if there has been any improvement with a Visual Studio .NET 2008 SP1. latest compiler from Microsoft and briefly – the result is…

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