Tag: Source

IP Video Source: 64-bit version, resolution flexibility, Adobe FMLE

The IP Video Source update provides several improvements to the driver: copy/paste feature to backup, restore, or synchronize installed devices between 32-bit and 64-bit versions 64-bit version and .MSI dynamic video resizing (via Video Resizer DSP) Adobe FMLE compatibility Updates in greater detail follow. Device Copy/Paste Feature The video device management window is providing Copy…

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DirectShow Video Source Filter for JPEG and M-JPEG IP Cameras

This implements a DirectShow driver/wrapper over a HTTP based JPEG/M-JPEG streamed video, widely available with IP cameras. Once installed, it provides a Start Menu shortcut to manage video capture devices, where a user can add/remove devices. The devices are automatically registered with DriectShow and are available to applications. The compatibility list includes: Windows SDK AmCap…

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Utility Clearance: Enumerate VCM Codecs

EnumerateVcmCodecs uses ICOpen API to enuerate available codecs and prints out information obtained from enumeration. 32-bit and 64-bit versions respectively enumerate codecs available for the platform (lists may vary because the codecs are actually provided by different DLLs, built for respective platform). szName fccType: 0x63646976 (vidc), fccHandler 0x64697663 (cvid) dwFlags 0 dwVersion 0x0, dwVersionICM 0x104…

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Utility Clearance: Rasterize Font

RasterizeFont utility takes a font on the input (such as Windows .TTF – True-Type Font) and paints individual characters into bitmaps. Utility output includes separate bitmap (.BMP) files for requested characters and C++ source code of the bimap arrays (this was included into microcontroller project). A configuration .INI file defines rasterizer parameters: [General] Width=48 Height=72…

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Utility Clearance: Export AVI Resources

ExportAviResources walks through AVI video clips attached as resources to a binary file and exports them into separate files. Such clips can be used with Animation Controls for GUI animations. You might want to run the utility against SYSTEM32/SYSWOW64 folders to see if any of stock animations are good for you: D:\>for %i in (C:\Windows\system32\*.dll)…

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Utility Clearance: Logical Processor Information

LogicalProcessorInformation is a fronend GUI around GetLogicalProcessorInformation API and reveals CPU configuration of the system. If you are fine tuning stuff, you might want to know what sort of CPUs are powering the applications: how many? fully featured cores or HyperThreading technology? mutli-processor configuration and how exactly physical processors are distributed over affinity mask API…

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