Category: Source

Source code availability

The case of incorrect behavior of stock DirectX Media Objects

Since Microsoft Windows Vista, Media Foundation API offers a set of convenient Digital Signal Processors for video and audio processing. These include conversion helpers for video and audio, dual interfaced as Media Foundation Transforms (MFTs) and DirectX Media Objects (DMOs). Earlier posts shed some light on DMO interfaces, and use of DMOs in DirectShow graphs…

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Log Process Exceptions: Filters and Email Notification

Moving on with LogProcessExceptions tool which externally monitors (debugs, to be more specific) an application of interest and captures its exceptions writing minidump files for further analysis. This updates adds two features: Ability to filter out the exceptions of interest An email notification on exception, with or without minidump file Filter A new property page…

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Continuous realloc()

A colleague raised a question that realloc does better than free + malloc because allocated memory block is never being actually shrunk and reallocations to smaller size following by reallocations to larger (but still not larger than one of the previous) do not lead to heap locks and actual underlying heap memory block reallocations. While…

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Reading HRESULT codes

Although HRESULT codes are so common and structure is simple and well known, and even Visual Studio helps decoding the values nowadays, looking up for code takes some effort: hexadecimal value, searching through SDK headers or online, overlapped regions of codes in FACILITY_ITF etc. MSDN describes the codes in the following sections: Structure of COM…

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