Tag: sample

Using IP Video Source programmatically as a standalone DirectShow Video Source Filter for JPEG and M-JPEG IP Cameras

Recent IP Video Source class/module is not limited to use via registration as a video input/capture/source device. The filter is also registered as a regular filter and can be used programmatically in a regular way: CoCreateInstance, AddFilter etc. A C++ code snippet below shows how to import interface definition, create an instance of the filter,…

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How to use windowless Video Mixing Renderer Filter to show video fullscreen

The question is being asked from time to time. Everyone knows what is full screen video. Video renderers implement full screen capability since long ago through their IVideoWindow::put_FullScreenMode property, and even Filter Graph Manager exposes its own IVideoWindow interface to forward calls to filter’s implementation of IVideoWindow interface. However, for Video Mixing Renderers, version 7…

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How to overlay a bitmap on top of video with Video Mixing Renderer (VMR-9)

A 100-lines code snippet which illustrates how a bitmap is overlaid over displayed video with Video Mixing Renderer 9 Filter using IVMRMixerBitmap9 interface. A video clip is played (default is Windows clock.avi, but you can replace it with your longer one to see overlay is really in a loop). http://code.assembla.com/…/VmrMixerBitmapSample01/… VMR9AlphaBitmap AlphaBitmap; ZeroMemory(&AlphaBitmap, sizeof AlphaBitmap);…

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Private DMO

Started as Is it possible to use local component in DLL? on microsoft.public.vc.atl newsgroup. The question is to embed a custom DirectX Media Object (DMO) into executable so that it is only available to proprietary application and not to entire system and could be reused in other applications. If in particular this DMO should be…

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