Tag: debug

Understanding Your DirectShow Filter Graph

Many questions in DirectShow development are caused by lack of developer’s understanding what topology his code effectively built. Intelligent Connect and RenderXxx methods help adding and connecting filters and in the end a developer does not have a faintest idea what the pipeline looks like. DirectShow API provides methods to enumerate filters, pins, connection and…

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Log Process Exceptions: Filters and Email Notification

Moving on with LogProcessExceptions tool which externally monitors (debugs, to be more specific) an application of interest and captures its exceptions writing minidump files for further analysis. This updates adds two features: Ability to filter out the exceptions of interest An email notification on exception, with or without minidump file Filter A new property page…

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DirectShow Spy: Who Sent EC_ERRORABORT?

persiflage@stackoverflow asks if there is a chance to use DirectShow Spy see who sent an EC_ERRORABORT notification, which filter exactly. Let us see first why there is no way to find this out, and then we will see what we can do. DirectShow Filter Graph Manager accepts events from filters via its IMediaEventSink interface. The…

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