While on it, a quick update to the previous post/application:
// Oprogramowanie Roman Ryltsov
While on it, a quick update to the previous post/application:
A variant of previous CaptureEngineVideoCapture demo application which features AMD Advanced Media Framework SuperResolution scaler for video. It is basically a live video camera application started in low resolution mode, and it enables you to switch between GPU (OpenCL probably?) implemented realtime upscaling modes. AMD scaler is wrapped into Media Foundation Transform and is applied…
Moving on with Widows Camera experiments. This time it is a Windows 11 Virtual Camera, a true one like this and this, and not this which should be totally archived despite people still keep on trying. So what we got this time? The application derived from old CaptureEngineVideoCapture sample still features IMFCaptureEngine API. However, it also intallls temporary…
Recent additions to MPEG-DASH specification (ISO/IEC 23009-1 5th ed., AMD3; also SCTE 214-6) offer new ways to implement low-latency low-delay playback: using so called Segment Sequence Representations (SSR). MPGE-DASH manifests advertise this flavor of data by including a respective EssentialProperty. Before Shaka Player Demo added support for this technology, they ignored the respective adaptation set…
Back to some experiments… The current video capture API in Windows is Media Foundation Capture Engine API (AKA IMFCaptureEngine and mfcaptureengine.h). Media Foundation is layered: you can work at lower level with video capture Media Sources, but if you don’t want to go into details you have the Capture Engine. The application continues a good…
Some version of Microsoft Windows OS have rather dangerous subsystem known as MP4 property sheet handler (“MF MPEG-4 Property Handler” to be exact). Programmatically, you would use API like SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName and use IPropertyStore from there to read (reading is OK) and update/write certain MP4 file properties like, for example, a comment or som other metadata.…
An under 100 lines of C++ code sample that plays an MP3 file with Microsoft Media Foundation. https://github.com/roman380/MediaFoundationMinimalAudioPlayback Comes from this StackOverflow question, however unlike Microsoft’s sample it does not spread simple code among multiple source code files, gives a quick way to build & run, shows modern C++ practices (including Microsoft Windows Implementation Library…