Address: 17 Shibles Hall, Orono, ME (207)581-2506 Camera: Axis 206M
// Oprogramowanie Roman Ryltsov
Video related stuff
Address: 17 Shibles Hall, Orono, ME (207)581-2506 Camera: Axis 206M
Camera: Axis 210 Britain is becoming a “surveillance society”, where CCTV cameras, credit card analysis and travel movements are used to track people’s lives minute by minute. […] The nation has up to 4.2 million CCTV (closed-circuit television) cameras, or about one for every 14 people.
Some time ago I came across Pedro F. Felzenszwalb website, a image/video segmentation method he proposed in his paper “Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation”. Finally I could find some time to jot down an implementation of DirectShow filter to see the method live. It all look like this: