Tag: ATL

LogProcessExceptions: Automatically Create Minidump Files on C++ Exception in Monitored Process

LogProcessExceptions utility implements a very basic debugger which attaches (see DebugActiveProcess on MSDN) to a running process and monitors its exceptions. Once exception takes place the utility creates a minidump file for the process (see MiniDumpWriteDump on MSDN) so that exception condition could be investigated off-site using debugger. If you throw C++ exceptions in your…

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Utility Clearance: Rasterize Font

RasterizeFont utility takes a font on the input (such as Windows .TTF – True-Type Font) and paints individual characters into bitmaps. Utility output includes separate bitmap (.BMP) files for requested characters and C++ source code of the bimap arrays (this was included into microcontroller project). A configuration .INI file defines rasterizer parameters: [General] Width=48 Height=72…

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Utility Clearance: Export AVI Resources

ExportAviResources walks through AVI video clips attached as resources to a binary file and exports them into separate files. Such clips can be used with Animation Controls for GUI animations. You might want to run the utility against SYSTEM32/SYSWOW64 folders to see if any of stock animations are good for you: D:\>for %i in (C:\Windows\system32\*.dll)…

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Utility Clearance: Logical Processor Information

LogicalProcessorInformation is a fronend GUI around GetLogicalProcessorInformation API and reveals CPU configuration of the system. If you are fine tuning stuff, you might want to know what sort of CPUs are powering the applications: how many? fully featured cores or HyperThreading technology? mutli-processor configuration and how exactly physical processors are distributed over affinity mask API…

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Booo SRW Locks

Windows Vista introduced new synchronization API: slim reader/writer (SRW) locks. Being already armed with critical sections, one perhaps would not desperately need an SRW lock, but still it offers a great option to provide both exclusive (critical section alike) mode and shared mode when 2+ threads can enter protected section simultaneously. Some time earlier, I…

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