// Oprogramowanie Roman Ryltsov
An interesting Media Foundation question on StackOverflow: Weird connection between CoInitializeSecurity() and Media Foundation Encoders A developer has reasons to discard standard COM security and go RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_ANONYMOUS. Surprisingly this has effect on Windows Media Foundation API in the part of available codecs (Media Foundation Transforms). Sample code: CoInitializeSecurity line in the code above removes the…
This is basically a cross-post of StackOverflow answer: How do I encode raw 48khz/32bits PCM to FLAC using Microsoft Media Foundation? So, Microsoft introduced a FLAC Media Foundation Transform (MFT) Encoder CLSID_CMSFLACEncMFT in Windows 10, but the codec remains undocumented at the moment. Supported Media Formats in Media Foundation is similarly out of date and…
A customer complained on video playback problems which had symptoms of software compatibility issue. At certain operation modes software froze leaving the only option to kill process and restart. I appeared that the system has a third party DLL installed, a new hero name’s – picapmk4.dll. The DLL registers itself as Video for Windows codec…
EnumerateVcmCodecs uses ICOpen API to enuerate available codecs and prints out information obtained from enumeration. 32-bit and 64-bit versions respectively enumerate codecs available for the platform (lists may vary because the codecs are actually provided by different DLLs, built for respective platform). szName fccType: 0x63646976 (vidc), fccHandler 0x64697663 (cvid) dwFlags 0 dwVersion 0x0, dwVersionICM 0x104…
Windows Media Codec List utility uses IWMCodecInfo interface (see also IWMCodecInfo2, IWMCodecInfo3) lists installed Windows Media Codecs and their formats and presents the findings in a convenient way. The utility gives a quick idea what a programmer would obtain through IWMCodecInfo2/IWMCodecInfo3 interfaces and what well known format structures (WM_MEDIA_TYPE, AM_MEDIA_TYPE, WAVEFORMATEX, VIDEOINFOHEADER) correspond to particular…
Yesterday I received a complaint from a Most Important Customer about a weird problem on a few of their digital video recording servers. The problem was that a new version of software, client part, would out of a sudden auto-close without any notice. The problem was quite persistent and basically of not a difficult kind…