Tag: google

Microsoft Forums, RSS

It is amazing how it might come that Microsoft Forums‘ RSS feed appears broken on Google Reader with duplicated entries for each of the items. Regardless of whose the bug is, it seems to me that it is the Microsoft’s one, both are sophisticated applications of a large scale while RSS thing is just nothing…

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Google search specifics

I am curious if Google has a bias against Microsoft websites in search results. It was rather unexpected to see this site first in search for _CONVERSION_DONT_USE_THREAD_LOCALE with following results from connect.microsoft.com and blogs.msdn.com (at least as relevant as I think).

Google Talk website visitor chat

Google Talk offered a marvelous new feature: <iframe> and instant messaging based web chat through Google Talk (Jabber, XMPP) which I immediately put on the sidebar of the website —–>> Isn’t it just great that Google invests into development of Jabber/XMPP community this way?