Tag: Video

Minefields of Intel Media SDK

When it comes to vendor specific SDK for hardware assisted video encoding, Intel Media SDK is perhaps the oldest one among current vendors: Intel, NVIDIA, AMD. And also surprisingly the worst one. All three vendors are offering their SDKs for really close capabilities, however the kits are designed and structured differently. If NVIDIA and AMD…

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Getting MF_E_TRANSFORM_NEED_MORE_INPUT from Video Processor MFT’s ProcessOutput just to let it take next input

Another example how Microsoft Media Foundation can be annoying in small things. So we have this Video Processor MFT transform which addresses multiple video conversion tasks: The video processor MFT is a Microsoft Media Foundation transform (MFT) that performs colorspace conversion, video resizing, deinterlacing, frame rate conversion, rotation, cropping, spatial left and right view unpacking,…

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UWP Media Element fullscreen playback bug

New platform, Universal Windows Platform (UWP), offers new Media Foundation bugs. UWP Media Element embeds a Media Foundation video renderer to present media video frames played back. Under certain conditions, the Media Element control fails to present video inline with just incrementing the presentation time indicating playback in progress. Nevertheless once expanded full screen the…

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Reference Signal Source: Direct3D 11 awareness

A few updates to DirectShowReferenceSource module, it’s Media Foundation video Media Source related part today. First, the video media source is now handling restarts from paused state correctly and resumes frame generation from proper position (not from zero as before). Second, the video media source is now Direct3D 11 aware. That is, when it participates…

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NVIDIA H.264 Encoder Media Foundation Transform’s REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG

For already years Nvidia’s H.264 video encoder Media Foundation Transform has been broken giving REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG “Class not registered” failure in certain circumstances, like main display is not the one connected to Nvidia video adapter. As simple as this: CoInitialize(NULL); MFStartup(MF_VERSION); class __declspec(uuid(“{60F44560-5A20-4857-BFEF-D29773CB8040}”)) CFoo; // NVIDIA H.264 Encoder MFT CComPtr<IMFTransform> pTransform; const HRESULT nCoCreateInstanceResult = pTransform.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(CFoo));…

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