Tag: utility

Utility Clearance: Enumerate VCM Codecs

EnumerateVcmCodecs uses ICOpen API to enuerate available codecs and prints out information obtained from enumeration. 32-bit and 64-bit versions respectively enumerate codecs available for the platform (lists may vary because the codecs are actually provided by different DLLs, built for respective platform). szName fccType: 0x63646976 (vidc), fccHandler 0x64697663 (cvid) dwFlags 0 dwVersion 0x0, dwVersionICM 0x104…

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Utility Clearance: Rasterize Font

RasterizeFont utility takes a font on the input (such as Windows .TTF – True-Type Font) and paints individual characters into bitmaps. Utility output includes separate bitmap (.BMP) files for requested characters and C++ source code of the bimap arrays (this was included into microcontroller project). A configuration .INI file defines rasterizer parameters: [General] Width=48 Height=72…

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Utility Clearance: Export AVI Resources

ExportAviResources walks through AVI video clips attached as resources to a binary file and exports them into separate files. Such clips can be used with Animation Controls for GUI animations. You might want to run the utility against SYSTEM32/SYSWOW64 folders to see if any of stock animations are good for you: D:\>for %i in (C:\Windows\system32\*.dll)…

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Windows Media Codec List

Windows Media Codec List utility uses IWMCodecInfo interface (see also IWMCodecInfo2, IWMCodecInfo3) lists installed Windows Media Codecs and their formats and presents the findings in a convenient way. The utility gives a quick idea what a programmer would obtain through IWMCodecInfo2/IWMCodecInfo3 interfaces and what well known format structures (WM_MEDIA_TYPE, AM_MEDIA_TYPE, WAVEFORMATEX, VIDEOINFOHEADER) correspond to particular…

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DHCP Server: List of Issued Leases

Alax.Info DHCP Server was updated to provide user interface and show a list of issued DHCP leases, including: hardware (MAC) address and IP address correspondence latest date and time of DHCP lease issue sortable list to be able to conveniently arrange entries and lookup items of interest Other changes include: stores latest lease issue date…

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