Utility Clearance: Simple SMTP Email Sender

The library implements SMTP client and exposes a simple COM interface to send emails. The interface is simple and straightforward, and the emails can be send from various environments, including such as JavaScript code. The class supports SSL/TLS security and is GMail compliant.

A JScript code snippet below provides a sample use case:

message = new ActiveXObject("AlaxInfo.EmailTools.Message");
message.ServerHost = "mail.alax.info";
//message.ServerPort = 25;
message.Sender = "Sender <test@alax.info>";
message.ToRecipients = "Recipient <address@gmail.com>";
//message.CcRecipients = "";
//message.BccRecipients = "";
message.Subject = "Message Test (Plain)";
message.Body = "This is an e-mail message test:" + "\r\n" +
  "" + "\r\n" +
  "- Security: None" + "\r\n" +
  "- Authentication: Plain Text (PLAIN)" + "\r\n" +
message.AuthMethods = "plain";
message.AuthName = "test@alax.info";
message.AuthPassword = "12345678";

The capabilities include:

Relaying through Google Mail needs secure connection (SSL or TLS) plus plain text authentication of sender:

message = new ActiveXObject("AlaxInfo.EmailTools.Message");
message.ServerHost = "smtp.gmail.com";
//message.ServerPort = 587;
message.Sender = "Sender <foo+sender@gmail.com>";
message.ToRecipients = "Recipient <bar+receiver@gmail.com>";
//message.CcRecipients = "";
//message.BccRecipients = "";
message.Subject = "Message Test (TLS, Plain)";
message.Body = "This is an e-mail message test:" + "\r\n" +
  "" + "\r\n" +
  "- Security: TLS" + "\r\n" +
  "- Authentication: Plain Text (PLAIN)" + "\r\n" +
message.TransportLayerSecurity = true;
message.AuthMethods = "plain";
message.AuthName = "foo@gmail.com";
message.AuthPassword = "password";

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