From the documentation on StorageFolder.TryGetItemAsync(String)
Tries to get the file or folder with the specified name from the current folder. Returns null instead of raising a FileNotFoundException if the specified file or folder is not found.
using IStorageItem = winrt::Windows::Storage::IStorageItem;
IStorageItem EventStorageItem { m_Configuration.m_ApplicationStorageFolder.TryGetItemAsync(m_FileName).get() };
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFB06BDA799 (KernelBase.dll) in DownloadIssue.exe: WinRT originate error – 0x80070002 : ‘An item cannot be found with the specified name (Issue-1714684927.tsv).’.
It looks like TryGetItemAsync
is a wrapper over GetItemAsync
to suppress exception if file is not found, and it should be the other way around: if there is no file, there is nullptr
result with no exception. In conjunction with missing mode equivalent to OPEN_ALWAYS
it makes it not really convenient to write code free from exceptions.
Exceptionless workaround via file query:
#if 1
using namespace winrt::Windows::Storage;
StorageFile EventStorageFile(nullptr);
Search::StorageFileQueryResult const FileQueryResult { m_Configuration.m_ApplicationStorageFolder.CreateFileQuery() };
auto const FileVector { FileQueryResult.GetFilesAsync().get() };
for(auto FileVectorIterator { FileVector.First() }; FileVectorIterator.HasCurrent(); FileVectorIterator.MoveNext())
auto const StorageFile { FileVectorIterator.Current() };
if(StorageFile.IsOfType(StorageItemTypes::File) && _wcsicmp(StorageFile.Name().c_str(), m_FileName.c_str()) == 0)
EventStorageFile = StorageFile;
// TODO: Get rid of exception if file is missing
IStorageItem EventStorageItem { m_Configuration.m_ApplicationStorageFolder.TryGetItemAsync(m_FileName).get() };
StorageFile EventStorageFile {<StorageFile>() };