Just a quick hookup of my test Media Foundation media source into new Windows 11 MFCreateVirtualCamera
Software video source is presented by Windows 11 as a video capture device. Finally, there is a nice way to create virtual cameras, even though Windows 11 (Windows Build 22000) is a minimal requirement.
Application produced video stream is accepted by both Media Foundation and DirectShow APIs:

The new API works throough earlier introduced Frame Server subsystem: the new API pulls video frames from provided Media Foundation media sources and distributes data among the connected applications, the same way things happen with regular driver backed video sources.
- Download MediaFoundationVirtualCamera.7z and extract the contents
- Run “regsvr32 MediaFoundationVirtualCameraMediaSource.dll” from elevated command line prompt
- Run MediaFoundationVirtualCamera.exe
- While MediaFoundationVirtualCamera.exe is running, a new camera is registered with the system and is available for the applications
Vivek’s VCam is finally to be phased out, but it will still take some time.