Category: WTL

Windows Template Library related

Windows Media Codec List

Windows Media Codec List utility uses IWMCodecInfo interface (see also IWMCodecInfo2, IWMCodecInfo3) lists installed Windows Media Codecs and their formats and presents the findings in a convenient way. The utility gives a quick idea what a programmer would obtain through IWMCodecInfo2/IWMCodecInfo3 interfaces and what well known format structures (WM_MEDIA_TYPE, AM_MEDIA_TYPE, WAVEFORMATEX, VIDEOINFOHEADER) correspond to particular…

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MediaTools: Tone Source Filter to generate reference audio feed, dual Audio Source Filter and Virtual Audio Capture Device

In order to obtain a reference audio source and especially useful for debugging purposes, including: audio input device unrelated to physical device, to avoid conditions when device is already in use by someone else non-zero audio signal which is independent of certain speaker or broadcasting service, including one that makes capture, transmission or rendering issues…

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MediaTools to deliver video from network/IP cameras and video servers into DirectShow environment

I decided to gather DirectShow code and filters related to processing video from network/IP cameras and video servers into a library (in fact, a few libraries) so that it could be easily used for testing, research and other purposes. As time is going to permit, documentation and sample code will be provided, further development will…

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