Category: WTL

Windows Template Library related

ProcessSnapshot to take a snapshot of process modules, threads, stacks and performance

While troubleshooting released application on remote production site, it is very useful to grasp a state of the process for further analysis. There are several scenarios in which the following information about process state is helpful: modules (DLLs) loaded into process and their versions threads and their call stacks process and thread performance An utility…

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Time Zone Information & Monitor Information

I am sharing a couple of utilities to be able to quick check system settings. TimeZoneInformation prints in a human friendly style TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure as reported by Windows through GetTimeZoneInformation API. TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION: .Bias: -120 .StandardName: FLE Standard Time .StandardDate: { .wYear 0, .wMonth 10, .wDay 5, .wDayOfWeek 0, .wHour 4, .wMinute 0, .wSecond 0, .wMilliseconds…

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How To: Implement DirectShow Filter using DirectX Media Object DMO (Part 5: In-Place Processing)

Previously on the topic: Part 1: Starting the Project Part 2: Video Processing Part 3: Persistence, Automation and Property Pages Part 4: Merit Due to the nature of the brightness and constract correction processing, it would make sense to combine and simplify processing to apply correction “in-place”, that is without copying data from input to…

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How To: Implement DirectShow Filter using DirectX Media Object DMO (Part 4: Merit)

Previously on the topic: Part 1: Starting the Project Part 2: Video Processing Part 3: Persistence, Automation and Property Pages The implemented so far filter/DMO shown a problem related to its unexpectedly high “importance” in the system with the symptom of “auto-insertion” the filter when it is not necessary. For example, let us render an…

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How To: Implement DirectShow Filter using DirectX Media Object DMO (Part 3: Persistence, Automation and Property Pages)

Previously on the topic: Part 1: Starting the Project Part 2: Video Processing The principal task of video processing is done but there are still things mandatory for the filter to be usable. First of all, a custom interface is required to be able to control the filter from higher level application and to adjust…

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Did you know that: LVN_GETINFOTIP?

Did you know that when you handle LVN_GETINFOTIP notification message and you are provided with NMLVGETINFOTIP structure, you cannot just supply your own pszText string for the tooltip text? Instead you have to copy your string into supplied buffer, such as using _tcsncpy function. Otherwise things would not work. BEGIN_MSG_MAP_EX(CFooPropertyPage) CHAIN_MSG_MAP(CPropertyPageT) … MSG_LVN_GETINFOTIP(IDC_FOOLISTVIEW, OnFooListViewGetInfoTip) REFLECT_NOTIFICATIONS()…

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