Category: Utilities

Various Alax.Info Utilities

Utility Clearance: Export AVI Resources

ExportAviResources walks through AVI video clips attached as resources to a binary file and exports them into separate files. Such clips can be used with Animation Controls for GUI animations. You might want to run the utility against SYSTEM32/SYSWOW64 folders to see if any of stock animations are good for you: D:\>for %i in (C:\Windows\system32\*.dll)…

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Utility Clearance: Logical Processor Information

LogicalProcessorInformation is a fronend GUI around GetLogicalProcessorInformation API and reveals CPU configuration of the system. If you are fine tuning stuff, you might want to know what sort of CPUs are powering the applications: how many? fully featured cores or HyperThreading technology? mutli-processor configuration and how exactly physical processors are distributed over affinity mask API…

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DirectShow Spy: Memory Allocator Properties

A small update to the DirectShow Spy today: DirectShow Filter Graph Spy prints memory allocator properties as a part of graph topology trace on transition to running state. Why is that and what it is for? Filters normally agree on allocator properties (ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES, obtained from IMemAllocator, obtained from IMemInputPin) themselves without interference from controlling application.…

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DirectShow Spy: IAMFilterData interface

This quick update for DirectShow Filter Graph Spy adds tracing for (deprecated) IAMFilterData interface, and also fixes problem with Media Player Classic – Home Cinema, when the player crashes in External Filters windows. Partial Visual C++ .NET 2008 source code is available from SVN, release binary included (Win32, x64); installation instructions are in another post.