Category: Video

Video related stuff

An effect of excessive RGB conversion on video streaming performance (continued)

This continues the topic raised by previous post. As fairly noticed by The March Hare, video renderer is using hardware overlay and the benchmark is incorrect if we are to extrapolate the performance to scenario with multiple video renderers. So, an updated test application creates 16 video renderers with 16 threads pumping two meida samples…

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An effect of excessive RGB conversion onto video streaming perofrmance

Started here: How can I overlay timestamp on the image? on Let us see if RGB conversion adds any noticeable effect on streaming YUY2 video, typical output of video decompressor. As a reference I am taking a simple YUY2 source -> Video Mixing Render Filter (VMR) graph, where source filter streams the same pre-allocated…

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Y-Cam Black camera

A customer complained that he was unable to get things working with Y-Cam Black camera. Naming models using colors is already a sign that problems are inevitable. The camera either had old firmware and implemented a different protocol (other than documented) or the documentation sucked but I would like to mention a different thing. I…

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How To: Wrap an existing DirectShow filter with a private video source filter (COM aggregation)

See beginning in newsgroup. This sample is demonstrating COM aggregation to embed an existing filter an re-expose it as a new filter having inner filter pre-initialized. The Visual Studio C++.NET 2008 projects contains a DirectShow filter class that registers itself under Video Capture Sources category and embeds File Source (Async) Filter inside initialized to…

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TRENDnet Cameras Online

Found at TRENDnet TV-IP422W Wireless Internet Camera Server http://guest:guest@ TRENDnet TV-IP301W Wireless Advanced Day/Night Internet Camera Server w/ Audio http://guest:guest@ TRENDnet TV-IP201W Wireless Internet Camera Server w/ Audio http://guest:guest@ TRENDnet TV-IP110W Wireless Internet Camera Server http://guest:guest@ TRENDnet TV-IP212W Wireless Internet Camera Server w/ 2-Way Audio http://guest:guest@ TRENDnet TV-IP312W Wireless Day/Night Internet Camera Server w/…

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How To: Implement DirectShow Filter using DirectX Media Object DMO (Part 5: In-Place Processing)

Previously on the topic: Part 1: Starting the Project Part 2: Video Processing Part 3: Persistence, Automation and Property Pages Part 4: Merit Due to the nature of the brightness and constract correction processing, it would make sense to combine and simplify processing to apply correction “in-place”, that is without copying data from input to…

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How To: Implement DirectShow Filter using DirectX Media Object DMO (Part 4: Merit)

Previously on the topic: Part 1: Starting the Project Part 2: Video Processing Part 3: Persistence, Automation and Property Pages The implemented so far filter/DMO shown a problem related to its unexpectedly high “importance” in the system with the symptom of “auto-insertion” the filter when it is not necessary. For example, let us render an…

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