Tag: ATL

DirectShow Filter Graph Spy – CLSID_FilterGraphNoThread

At the time of original implementation I intentionally left off a variation of Filter Graph Manager that runs on application thread, CLSID_FilterGraphNoThread. MSDN says: CLSID_FilterGraphNoThread creates the Filter Graph Manager on the application’s thread. If you use this CLSID, the thread that calls CoCreateInstance must have a message loop that dispatches messages; otherwise, deadlocks can…

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DirectShow Filter Graph Spy

Inspired by a post on DirectShow Development Forum, it is sometimes useful to find out how certain application is using DirectShow to capture live video and/or audio, or play certain file etc. Filter graph topology, details about media types on the pins, used interfaces and call order. There is quite an easy step for the…

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MediaTools to deliver video from network/IP cameras and video servers into DirectShow environment

I decided to gather DirectShow code and filters related to processing video from network/IP cameras and video servers into a library (in fact, a few libraries) so that it could be easily used for testing, research and other purposes. As time is going to permit, documentation and sample code will be provided, further development will…

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ProcessSnapshot to take a snapshot of process modules, threads, stacks and performance

While troubleshooting released application on remote production site, it is very useful to grasp a state of the process for further analysis. There are several scenarios in which the following information about process state is helpful: modules (DLLs) loaded into process and their versions threads and their call stacks process and thread performance An utility…

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Time Zone Information & Monitor Information

I am sharing a couple of utilities to be able to quick check system settings. TimeZoneInformation prints in a human friendly style TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure as reported by Windows through GetTimeZoneInformation API. TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION: .Bias: -120 .StandardName: FLE Standard Time .StandardDate: { .wYear 0, .wMonth 10, .wDay 5, .wDayOfWeek 0, .wHour 4, .wMinute 0, .wSecond 0, .wMilliseconds…

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