Tag: C++

VCam: A Journey from Usenet to GitHub

Throughout many years of hashtag#DirectShow development, one project stood out with unwavering popularity: the Windows Virtual Camera sample ????. Originally authored by Vivek in 2005 or even earlier, it was shared on the “microsoft. public. win32. programmer. directx. video” Usenet conference. This project gained prominence because it addressed a problem that had no existing solution within the Windows SDK, and Microsoft had not expressed any intention to rectify it.

The source code for this virtual camera project was once hosted by Philip “The March Hare” on his personal website. However, given the passage of time, even that website does not longer exist.

We decided to breathe new life into this project, affectionately known as “VCam”, and made it available on GitHub: https://lnkd.in/dGUH9v79. Despite our confidence that the project and its approach are no longer current, there remains significant interest in this source code, with thousands of mentions across the internet.

At the GitHub repository, you’ll find not only the source code and build instructions but also pre-built binaries, demonstration, and references to the original contributors.

Play an MP3 with Media Foundation

An under 100 lines of C++ code sample that plays an MP3 file with Microsoft Media Foundation. https://github.com/roman380/MediaFoundationMinimalAudioPlayback Comes from this StackOverflow question, however unlike Microsoft’s sample it does not spread simple code among multiple source code files, gives a quick way to build & run, shows modern C++ practices (including Microsoft Windows Implementation Library…

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DirectShow VCam source code

Introducing another popular DirectShow project: Vivek’s source filter which emulates a video capture device. For a long time the code was hosted on P “The March Hare” W’s website, which was eventually taken down. I placed the recovered project, binaries, README and upgrade to Visual Studio 2019 on GitHub: roman380/tmhare.mvps.org-vcam: Original Vivek’s popular sample project…

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Windows 10 SDK RTWorkQ.h and C++/WinRT winrt::implements

Interface methods lack pure specifiers. This might be OK for some development but once you try to inherit your handler class from public winrt::implements<AsyncCallback, IRtwqAsyncCallback> you are in trouble! 1>Foo.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “public: virtual long __cdecl IRtwqAsyncCallback::GetParameters(unsigned long *,unsigned long *)” (?GetParameters@IRtwqAsyncCallback@@UEAAJPEAK0@Z) 1>Foo.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “public: virtual…

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