Tag: C++

Best JSON and Base64 libraries for C++ and Windows

The application in previous post Is my system a hybrid (switchable) graphics system? is implemented in C++/WinRT, which I finally decided to give a try. For authoring and consuming Windows Runtime APIs using C++, there is C++/WinRT. This is Microsoft’s recommended replacement for the C++/CX language projection, and the Windows Runtime C++ Template Library (WRL). The real question…

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Embedding a Git reference at build time

A while ago I posted a tool that updates a [freshly built] binary version information resource and increments build numbers for version identification and tracking. This time it is a variant of the tool: the utility would check git details for a given repository clone and embed it as a string item of the version…

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C++ #import and x64 builds

I already wrote earlier on 32/64-bit issues with Visual Studio. The problems are not frequent but when they happen they are pretty confusing. Here is another one today. C++ code is simple: #import “libid:59941706-0000-1111-2222-7EE5C88402D2” raw_interfaces_only no_namespace CComPtr<IObject> pObject; ATLENSURE_SUCCEEDED(pObject.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(Object))); BYTE* pnData; ATLENSURE_SUCCEEDED(pObject->Method((ULONG_PTR) (BYTE*) pnData)); A COM method returns a pointer to data – pretty straightforward,…

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Small correction for DirectShow BaseClasses CTransInPlaceFilter::Copy

False assertion failure in DirectShow BaseClasses transip.cpp, in CTransInPlaceFilter::Copy: ASSERT(lDestSize >= lSourceSize && lDestSize >= lDataLength); […] CopyMemory((PVOID) pDestBuffer, (PVOID) pSourceBuffer, lDataLength); The code asserts on “lDestSize >= lSourceSize” which is true in most cases, but it does not have or need to be true. The code below copies just lDataLength bytes and assertion on…

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