Tag: C++


A colleague pointed out that code snippet in previous post is misusing ATL’s ATLENSURE_SUCCEEDED macro making it [possibly] evaluate its argument twice in case of failure, that is evaluating into failure HRESULT code. As it is defined like this: #define ATLENSURE_SUCCEEDED(hr) ATLENSURE_THROW(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr) It does things in a straightforward way, for a code line ATLENSURE_SUCCEEDED(pFilterGraph.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph));…

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Using IP Video Source programmatically as a standalone DirectShow Video Source Filter for JPEG and M-JPEG IP Cameras

Recent IP Video Source class/module is not limited to use via registration as a video input/capture/source device. The filter is also registered as a regular filter and can be used programmatically in a regular way: CoCreateInstance, AddFilter etc. A C++ code snippet below shows how to import interface definition, create an instance of the filter,…

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LogProcessExceptions: Automatically Create Minidump Files on C++ Exception in Monitored Process

LogProcessExceptions utility implements a very basic debugger which attaches (see DebugActiveProcess on MSDN) to a running process and monitors its exceptions. Once exception takes place the utility creates a minidump file for the process (see MiniDumpWriteDump on MSDN) so that exception condition could be investigated off-site using debugger. If you throw C++ exceptions in your…

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Utility Clearance: Automatic Snapshots

Automatic Snapshots runs as a background application monitors clipboard. Should a new image be copied there, the utility automatically writes the image into a file. The process does not require any user interaction and is completely automatic so that – per Mike Westen‘s request – user could quickly and easily create snapshots of a multitude…

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If your application is looking for network adapters, it may be blind to see

A really long and annoying troubleshooting of a problem finally ended with a bug found in GetAdaptersInfo/GetAdaptersAddresses API. It may unexpectedly fail under the following conditions: 32-bit application 64-bit operating system or /3GB feature enabled on 32-bit operating system hosting process is linked with /LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag or has otherwise set it in binary header over…

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Utility Clearance: Enumerate VCM Codecs

EnumerateVcmCodecs uses ICOpen API to enuerate available codecs and prints out information obtained from enumeration. 32-bit and 64-bit versions respectively enumerate codecs available for the platform (lists may vary because the codecs are actually provided by different DLLs, built for respective platform). szName fccType: 0x63646976 (vidc), fccHandler 0x64697663 (cvid) dwFlags 0 dwVersion 0x0, dwVersionICM 0x104…

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