Tag: direct3d

Internal E_UNEXPECTED in dxgi.dll

Someone asked a question on StackOverflow recently about suspicious debug output messages associated with DXGI/Direct3D initialization: DirectX12: dxgi dll catastrophic failure when creating IDXGIFactory. onecore\windows\directx\database\helperlibrary\lib\perappusersettingsqueryimpl.cpp(121)\dxgi.dll!00007FFBA0D6D7F8: (caller: 00007FFBA0D4D167) ReturnHr(1) tid(64d8) 8000FFFF Catastrophic failure onecore\windows\directx\database\helperlibrary\lib\perappusersettingsqueryimpl.cpp(98)\dxgi.dll!00007FFBA0D6D4D0: (caller: 00007FFBA0D3E221) ReturnHr(2) tid(64d8) 8000FFFF Catastrophic failure onecore\windows\directx\database\helperlibrary\lib\directxdatabasehelper.cpp(999)\dxgi.dll!00007FFBA0D6D4FC: (caller: 00007FFBA0D3E221) ReturnHr(3) tid(64d8) 8000FFFF Catastrophic failure This problem is not fatal or severe…

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Where is ID3D11DeviceChild::GetPrivateDataInterface?

ID3D11DeviceChild similarly to a few other related interfaces offers methods including: ID3D11DeviceChild::GetPrivateData – Get application-defined data from a device child. ID3D11DeviceChild::SetPrivateData – Set application-defined data to a device child and associate that data with an application-defined GUID. ID3D11DeviceChild::SetPrivateDataInterface – Associate an IUnknown-derived interface with this device child and associate that interface with an application-defined GUID.…

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Effects of IMFVideoProcessorControl2::EnableHardwareEffects

IMFVideoProcessorControl2::EnableHardwareEffects method: Enables effects that were implemented with IDirectXVideoProcessor::VideoProcessorBlt. […] Specifies whether effects are to be enabled. TRUE specifies to enable effects. FALSE specifies to disable effects. All right, it is apparently not IDirectXVideoProcessor and MSDN link behind the identifier takes one to correct Direct3D 11 API method: ID3D11VideoContext::VideoProcessorBlt. Worse news is that having the…

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D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_DESC Documentation Quality

Direct3D 11 DXVA decoding documentation lacks accuracy. The API, sadly, lacks other things too but it is a different story. D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_DESC as defined in Windows SDK: MSDN documentation lost DataSize field, which is – ironically – the most important one along with buffer type. Related D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_DECODERR_BUFFER_DESC structure has both fields but the Members section has…

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Applying Hardsubs to H.264 Video with GPU

Video adapters currently offer a range of services which enables transcoding of H.264 content with certain modifications (including but not limited to flexible overlays, scaling, mirroring, effects and filters) end-to end on GPU keeping data as DirectX Graphics Infrastructure resource at all processing stages. Such specialized processing capabilities are pretty powerful compared to traditional CPU…

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Reference Signal Source: Unity 3D Integration

This is not really practical – just some fun stuff and attempt to make use of a readily available code snippet. So… reference signal in Unity 3D game engine through Media Foundation and Direct3D 11. It is basically Low-Level Native Plugin example project (limited to Direct3D 11 and Visual Studio 2015), which works together with…

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