Tag: Video

MediaTools: Fix for Motion JPEG video

A small fix for M-JPEG video streams retrieved by HTTP Stream Source Filter: Username and password contained in URL are honored for Basic HTTP authentication Correctly parsed HTTP response headers with quotes, e.g.: Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=“myboundary“ Partial Visual C++ .NET 2008 source code is available from SVN, release binary included.

How to overlay a bitmap on top of video with Video Mixing Renderer (VMR-9)

A 100-lines code snippet which illustrates how a bitmap is overlaid over displayed video with Video Mixing Renderer 9 Filter using IVMRMixerBitmap9 interface. A video clip is played (default is Windows clock.avi, but you can replace it with your longer one to see overlay is really in a loop). http://code.assembla.com/…/VmrMixerBitmapSample01/… VMR9AlphaBitmap AlphaBitmap; ZeroMemory(&AlphaBitmap, sizeof AlphaBitmap);…

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Windows Media Codec List

Windows Media Codec List utility uses IWMCodecInfo interface (see also IWMCodecInfo2, IWMCodecInfo3) lists installed Windows Media Codecs and their formats and presents the findings in a convenient way. The utility gives a quick idea what a programmer would obtain through IWMCodecInfo2/IWMCodecInfo3 interfaces and what well known format structures (WM_MEDIA_TYPE, AM_MEDIA_TYPE, WAVEFORMATEX, VIDEOINFOHEADER) correspond to particular…

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