Range-based for with ATL Collections

ATL collection classes did not receive an update related to new C++11 range-based fors and other fancy features. Well it’s a pity because writing

for(auto&& pPin: AudioPinList)
  pPin-> //...

compared to

for(POSITION Position = AudioPinList.GetHeadPosition(); Position; AudioPinList.GetNext(Position))
  IPin* pPin = AudioPinList.GetAt(Position);
  pPin-> //...

is indeed a relief. Namespace std is, of course, good but ATL is still here as well. Here is a take on adding range-based for loops to ATL collection classes.

  • CRoIterativeCollectionT class is a traits-based uniform base for lists and arrays, adding (again, uniform) helpers to iterate through collection:
    • GetCountThat, GetThat, RemoveThat, RemoveFirst, RemoveLast
    • Find, FindThat, FindFirst, FindLast, FindFirstThat, FindLastThat
    • ForEach
    • begin, end implementing for range based for loops
  • CRoArrayT is a class extending CAtlArray, adding mentioned above through inheriting from CRoIterativeCollectionT
  • CRoListT is a class extending CAtlList, adding mentioned above through inheriting from CRoIterativeCollectionT
  • CRoAssignableListT, CRoAssignableArrayT, CRoAssignableMapT to inherit collections and allow assignment operators on those (through duplication of elements), esp. to be able to easily put the collections as members of classes, eligible for assignment operator copies
  • CRoFixedArrayT, CRoFixedMapT are compatible collection classes backed by stack memory only, no allocations (old stuff as is, was used somewhere in handler where immediate response assumed no memory allocation operations)
  • CRoMapT is essentially an thin extension of CAtlMap, however also adds GetPositions() and GetValues() methods, which can be used for range-based for loops


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