How To: Dump CAtlRegExp regular expression variable on parse error

ATL regular expression code adds dump/debug capabilities with ATL_REGEXP_DUMP preprocessor definition defined (undocumented). Dump output is directed to stdout, so if the application is not console, it has to be redirected in advance, e.g. into a $(BinaryPath)$(BinaryName)-atlrx.h file.

	CAtlRegExp<> Expression; LPCTSTR pszPattern; BOOL bCaseSensitive;
#if defined(ATL_REGEXP_DUMP)
	REParseError Error = Expression.Parse(pszPattern, bCaseSensitive);
	if(Error != REPARSE_ERROR_OK)
		FILE* pStream = NULL;
			TCHAR pszPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
			ATLVERIFY(GetModuleFileName(_AtlBaseModule.GetModuleInstance(), pszPath, _countof(pszPath)));
			RemoveExtension(pszPath); // ATLPath::
			_tcscat_s(pszPath, _countof(pszPath), _T("-atlrx.txt"));
			ATLVERIFY(freopen_s(&pStream, CStringA(pszPath), "w", stdout) == 0);
		_tprintf(_T("Error %d\n"), Error);
			ATLVERIFY(fclose(pStream) == 0);
		ATLASSERT(FALSE); // Break into debugger
	ATLVERIFY(Expression.Parse(pszPattern, bCaseSensitive) == REPARSE_ERROR_OK);
#endif // defined(ATL_REGEXP_DUMP)

There is also ATLRX_DEBUG definition, which enables other debug capabilities. CAtlRegExp object is given a virtual function OnDebugEvent through which it prints comments on CAtlRegExp::Match process, which can be also redirected to file similar way.

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