Category: ATL

Active Template Library related

How To: Save image to BMP file from IBasicVideo or VMR windowless interface

A simple question being asked all over again. Given IBasicVideo, IBasicVideo2, IVMRWindowlessControl or IVMRWindowlessControl9, how to save image to file? It is easy. It is a bit easier with IBasicVideo because it is possible to query this interface directly from graph’s interface, such as IGraphBuilder, and the call will be forwarded to video renderer. This…

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How To: Dump CAtlRegExp regular expression variable on parse error

ATL regular expression code adds dump/debug capabilities with ATL_REGEXP_DUMP preprocessor definition defined (undocumented). Dump output is directed to stdout, so if the application is not console, it has to be redirected in advance, e.g. into a $(BinaryPath)$(BinaryName)-atlrx.h file. CAtlRegExp<> Expression; LPCTSTR pszPattern; BOOL bCaseSensitive; #if defined(ATL_REGEXP_DUMP) REParseError Error = Expression.Parse(pszPattern, bCaseSensitive); if(Error != REPARSE_ERROR_OK) {…

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How To: Dump DirectShow media samples

Given a DirectShow filter graph, what media samples are being sent through particular graph point? DumpMediaSamples utility gives a fast answer to this question. It prints out connection media type details (with details of VIDEOINFOHEADER, VIDEOINFOHEADER2 and WAVEFORMATEX structures corresponding to FORMAT_VideoInfo, FORMAT_VideoInfo2 and FORMAT_WaveFormatEx format types) and IMediaSample details obtained through AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES structure. First…

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How To: Wrap an existing DirectShow filter with a private video source filter (COM aggregation)

See beginning in newsgroup. This sample is demonstrating COM aggregation to embed an existing filter an re-expose it as a new filter having inner filter pre-initialized. The Visual Studio C++.NET 2008 projects contains a DirectShow filter class that registers itself under Video Capture Sources category and embeds File Source (Async) Filter inside initialized to…

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How To: Implement DirectShow Filter using DirectX Media Object DMO (Part 5: In-Place Processing)

Previously on the topic: Part 1: Starting the Project Part 2: Video Processing Part 3: Persistence, Automation and Property Pages Part 4: Merit Due to the nature of the brightness and constract correction processing, it would make sense to combine and simplify processing to apply correction “in-place”, that is without copying data from input to…

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How To: Implement DirectShow Filter using DirectX Media Object DMO (Part 4: Merit)

Previously on the topic: Part 1: Starting the Project Part 2: Video Processing Part 3: Persistence, Automation and Property Pages The implemented so far filter/DMO shown a problem related to its unexpectedly high “importance” in the system with the symptom of “auto-insertion” the filter when it is not necessary. For example, let us render an…

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