Category: Technology


A colleague pointed out that code snippet in previous post is misusing ATL’s ATLENSURE_SUCCEEDED macro making it [possibly] evaluate its argument twice in case of failure, that is evaluating into failure HRESULT code. As it is defined like this: #define ATLENSURE_SUCCEEDED(hr) ATLENSURE_THROW(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr) It does things in a straightforward way, for a code line ATLENSURE_SUCCEEDED(pFilterGraph.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph));…

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LogProcessExceptions: Automatically Create Minidump Files on C++ Exception in Monitored Process

LogProcessExceptions utility implements a very basic debugger which attaches (see DebugActiveProcess on MSDN) to a running process and monitors its exceptions. Once exception takes place the utility creates a minidump file for the process (see MiniDumpWriteDump on MSDN) so that exception condition could be investigated off-site using debugger. If you throw C++ exceptions in your…

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Utility Clearance: Automatic Snapshots

Automatic Snapshots runs as a background application monitors clipboard. Should a new image be copied there, the utility automatically writes the image into a file. The process does not require any user interaction and is completely automatic so that – per Mike Westen‘s request – user could quickly and easily create snapshots of a multitude…

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