Category: Uncategorized

Modern asynchronous C++

Windows API offers asynchronously implemented functionality for file, network and other I/O since long ago. It was maybe one of the easiest way to make a simple thing messy and ridiculously bloated and sensitive to errors of sorts. If you’re sane and you don’t need to squeeze everything out something you would just not use…

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So, what “W” is for in lstrcmpW

So I took time and submitted a request to update lstrcmpW documentation because it is inaccurate. It seemed pretty obvious that Syntax section shows W types (correct) and Parameters section shows T types trying to document the same thing. Some articles, for CRT functions specifically, solve this by documenting a set of similar functions at…

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Internal E_UNEXPECTED in dxgi.dll

Someone asked a question on StackOverflow recently about suspicious debug output messages associated with DXGI/Direct3D initialization: DirectX12: dxgi dll catastrophic failure when creating IDXGIFactory. onecore\windows\directx\database\helperlibrary\lib\perappusersettingsqueryimpl.cpp(121)\dxgi.dll!00007FFBA0D6D7F8: (caller: 00007FFBA0D4D167) ReturnHr(1) tid(64d8) 8000FFFF Catastrophic failure onecore\windows\directx\database\helperlibrary\lib\perappusersettingsqueryimpl.cpp(98)\dxgi.dll!00007FFBA0D6D4D0: (caller: 00007FFBA0D3E221) ReturnHr(2) tid(64d8) 8000FFFF Catastrophic failure onecore\windows\directx\database\helperlibrary\lib\directxdatabasehelper.cpp(999)\dxgi.dll!00007FFBA0D6D4FC: (caller: 00007FFBA0D3E221) ReturnHr(3) tid(64d8) 8000FFFF Catastrophic failure This problem is not fatal or severe…

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DirectShow VCam source code

Introducing another popular DirectShow project: Vivek’s source filter which emulates a video capture device. For a long time the code was hosted on P “The March Hare” W’s website, which was eventually taken down. I placed the recovered project, binaries, README and upgrade to Visual Studio 2019 on GitHub: roman380/ Original Vivek’s popular sample project…

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