Tag: COM

DirectShow Spy: Integration with GraphStudioNext

DirectShow Spy is introducing integration with GraphStudioNext (and GraphEdit too) to let a developer quickly open a filter graph through Running Object table with external inspection tool. Note that you need a revision 301 GraphStudioNext or later, prebuilt versions available for download here: graphstudionext.exe (Win32), graphstudionext64.exe (x64). DirectShow Filter Graph list window offers context menu items and hotkeys to…

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DirectShow Spy: Filter Graph Data and Properties UI

Summary DirectShow Spy receives a set of new powerful updates helping to develop and troubleshoot DirectShow applications: UI combining Markdown formatted filter graph details as well as property pages for all participating filters available interactively via filter graph list available via helper COM class letting DirectShow application integrate incredible troubleshooting capabilities Option to email filter…

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RotView: What is on ROT?

Once upon a time Windows SDK (or it was Visual Studio) had a tool named IROTVIEW which enumerated Running Object Table (ROT). Running Object Table Viewer IROTVIEW displays information about ActiveX and OLE objects currently existing in memory. People ask “Where is IROTVIEW?” and there is no answer. The API is really simple, but if…

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DirectShow Spy: ROT fix and evrprop.dll

A small issue appears to be affecting DirectShow applications with DirectShow Spy installed. As underlying COM base is non-standard, the spy implements a few hacks to run smoothly and to keep reference counting correct in particular. Under certain conditions, DirectShow-enabled ActiveX control hosted by Internet Explorer seems to be unable to put its graph onto…

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