Tag: Media Foundation

Play an MP3 with Media Foundation

An under 100 lines of C++ code sample that plays an MP3 file with Microsoft Media Foundation. https://github.com/roman380/MediaFoundationMinimalAudioPlayback Comes from this StackOverflow question, however unlike Microsoft’s sample it does not spread simple code among multiple source code files, gives a quick way to build & run, shows modern C++ practices (including Microsoft Windows Implementation Library…

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Encoding multiple concurrent real time video streams with NVIDIA hardware video encoder

NVIDIA consumer grade hardware provides support nowadays for – mostly – three concurrent sessions. The support matrix is provided here: Video Encode and Decode GPU Support Matrix | NVIDIA Developer. This small tool starts video encoding with given signal parameters (resolution, rate) and provides an easy way to measure load of GPU video encoding engine.…

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Windows 11 Virtual Video Camera

Just a quick hookup of my test Media Foundation media source into new Windows 11 MFCreateVirtualCamera API. Software video source is presented by Windows 11 as a video capture device. Finally, there is a nice way to create virtual cameras, even though Windows 11 (Windows Build 22000) is a minimal requirement. Application produced video stream…

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Beyond the Possible

I am replaying a pretty much regular MPEG TS recording taken from air, just with a MPEG TS rollover condition inside. Microsoft Media Foundation – ? FAIL Microsoft Movies & TV Application – ? FAIL (obviously because of #1 above, but let me double this down) Media Player Classic MPC-HC – ? FAIL VLC –…

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