Tag: Video

Media Foundation API primitive styling of WinRT windows.mediaCodec

An interesting Media Foundation question on StackOverflow: Weird connection between CoInitializeSecurity() and Media Foundation Encoders A developer has reasons to discard standard COM security and go RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_ANONYMOUS. Surprisingly this has effect on Windows Media Foundation API in the part of available codecs (Media Foundation Transforms). Sample code: CoInitializeSecurity line in the code above removes the…

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Sakura Bliss version of Direct3D 11 rendering and presentation load tool

I am sharing today one another tool which I am using to simulate load from time to time (such as the one against video/desktop streaming through Rainway). The application is rendering an HLSL variant of Sakura Bliss shadertoy (by Philippe Desgranges) using Direct3D 11 swap chain in DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_DISCARD mode. For starters, the shader is mesmerizing…

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