DirectShow Spy: Memory Allocator Properties

A small update to the DirectShow Spy today: DirectShow Filter Graph Spy prints memory allocator properties as a part of graph topology trace on transition to running state. Why is that and what it is for? Filters normally agree on allocator properties (ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES, obtained from IMemAllocator, obtained from IMemInputPin) themselves without interference from controlling application. Sometimes an undesired choice of buffers can cause sick runtime behavior, including but not limited to the following:

  1. live audio capture buffers are too long, and introduce significant latency, including from live video capture stream taking place in parallel; controlling application might need to take advantage of IAMBufferNegotiation::SuggestAllocatorProperties and request shorter buffers.
  2. a filter, such as for example DMO Wrapper Filter, may default to 1 buffer on allocator, which means that if a buffer reference is for some reason held for future reference (e.g. a video filter might be holding a reference to be able to re-push a video sample if an application is requesting video update), the entire streaming might lock.
  3. some filters are requesting unreasonably many/large buffers and consume vast spaces of RAM, such as MainConcept MXF Demultiplexer requesting 200 buffers x 640 kilobytes each (128 MB in total out of sudden)
  4. some filters are requesting unreasonably few/small buffers resulting in inability to pre-buffer data

In a chase for answers to questions “Where is my memory?”, “Why is it so choppy?”, “I would really appreciate a nice lipsync” and to troubleshoot the mentioned scenarios it is helpful to understand buffering configuration. DirectShow Filter Spy is here to deliver this information. Once the graph is put into running state, spy prints out topology data into log file (which is in most cases C:\ProgramData\DirectShowSpy.log):

Pin 2: Name "Input 01", Direction "Input", Peer "Tee 0x087A5AF0.Output2"
 Connection media type:
 majortype {73646976-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, subtype {31435641-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, pUnk 0x00000000
 bFixedSizeSamples 0, bTemporalCompression 0, lSampleSize 1
 formattype {E06D80E3-DB46-11CF-B4D1-00805F6CBBEA}, cbFormat 170, pbFormat 0x07c46fc0
 rcSource { 0, 0, 0, 0 ), rcTarget { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
 dwBitRate 0, dwBitErrorRate 0, AvgTimePerFrame 0
 dwInterlaceFlags 0x0, dwCopyProtectFlags 0x0, dwPictAspectRatioX 16, dwPictAspectRatioY 9, dwControlFlags 0x0
 bmiHeader.biSize 40, bmiHeader.biWidth 1280, bmiHeader.biHeight 720, bmiHeader.biPlanes 1, bmiHeader.biBitCount 24, bmiHeader.biCompression avc1
 bmiHeader.biSizeImage 0, bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter 1, bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter 1, bmiHeader.biClrUsed 0, bmiHeader.biClrImportant 0
 dwStartTimeCode 0x00000000, cbSequenceHeader 38, dwProfile 100, dwLevel 31, dwFlags 0x4
 [0x0000] 00 1D 67 64 00 1F AC 24 88 05 00 5B BF F0 00 10
 [0x0010] 00 11 00 00 03 03 E8 00 00 E9 BA 0F 18 32 A0 00
 [0x0020] 05 68 EE 32 C8 B0
 Memory Allocator: 1 buffers, 1,024 bytes each (1,024 bytes total), align 1, prefix 0

Partial Visual C++ .NET 2008 source code is available from SVN, release binary included (Win32, x64); installation instructions are in another post.

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