Since the last demo appears to be quite nice, one another addition: ability to drop the internal memory video content of the application into MP4 file.

As the application works and shows video preview, it keeps H.264/AVC version of the data in memory in the form of sliding window. Now you can just hit F8 and have this video – the last two minutes, that is – written into an MP4 file.
What the application does is effectively this: it uses initialization segment from MPEG-DASH content, and concatenates all media segments that the server keeps ready. This way we have an ISO BMFF media file, of the fragmented MP4 flavor. It is playable but not nicely, so the application contintues and then right in the memory and on the fly it re-packages (there is a related bug in Windows Media Foundation which needs to be worked around, but it is what it is) this file into standard MP4 file, using here and there just Windows Media Foundation. This whole process is instant, of course.
And more to this, alternatively you can take this video snapshot even via web server! Just request http://localhost/MediaFoundationCameraToolkit/Capture/video.mp4 and you will have the application to do the same processing and preparation/export of video file, but it will be delivered to browser instead of saving to file system.
Have fun!